Vol 3, No 1 (2018)



Socio-economic differences and disparities in border regions create a number of common challenges, which are priorities and key objectives of cross-border cooperation at EU level. One of the most important means to ensure safe and efficient borders is both by improving operations and procedures for management and by strengthening international supply chain security or even by improving infrastructures and equipment at borders.

The "Lower Danube" Euro-region is an important geo-strategic and cross-border cooperation point between EU member states and those outside the EU from the Danube region and the Black Sea basin. The current situation resulting from conflicts in the region, is contrary to economic and social development of areas on both sides of the external border of the European Union.

From a different perspective, a central place within the European Neighboring Policy (ENP) is taken by the bilateral action plans, as well as the ENP priorities that have been set between EU and most partner countries. In the line of interest, are political and economic reform programs which reflect the needs, interests and capacities, both of the EU and of each of the partner States, aiming at developing democratic societies, socially equitable and inclusion favorable, as well as at promoting economic integration and improving persons cross-border circulation. There are high expectations for implementing a better oriented approach for achieving, even over a longer period, tangible results for each of the four priorities set in the common Declaration at the Riga Summit (22.05.2015), respectively: economic development and market opportunities; institutions consolidation and good governance; connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change; mobility and interpersonal contacts, thus corroborating the multilateral actions of the Eastern Partnership based on: democracy, good governance and stability; economic integration and convergence with EU policies; energy security; and interpersonal contacts.

Steps taken in the direction of efficient border management, the promotion of good environmental governance and prevention, the training and mobilization in case of natural or man-made disasters, etc., are priorities that need to be continued. Taking into account the socio-political and geo-strategic dynamics analyzed as imperatives of the moment, without any exhaustive pretentions, we considered appropriate that a research project in this direction would be a good tool that could emphasize the substantial efforts that were already made so far and which could lead to an increase of the operational activities aiming at a better governance in cross-border cooperation.

We intended to have this monography first edited within the "Cross-border international relations Collection", belonging to the Center for International Studies and Human Rights of the "Dunărea de Jos" University from Galati.

Warm thanks to the university management, who supported and funded this unique editorial project that brings together collectives of researchers from several states in the eastern and western Europe.

Florin Tudor - Director


Table of Contents


Liudmyla Prykhodchenko
Liudmyla Prykhodchenko, Hanna PANCHENKO, Olena LESYK, Oksana DULINA DULINA
Mykola Mykolaichuk, Natalia ZELINSKA, Olesia HOLYNSKA, Ivan PARUBCHAK
Liudmyla Prykhodchenko, Olesia HOLYNSKA, Andrii KRUPNYK, Olena LESYK, Natalia PIROZHENKO, Vladislav HOLYNSKY
Liudmyla Prykhodchenko