A New Eastern European Union Border in Moldova?

Romeo Victor Ionescu


In the context of the new global political, military and strategic challenges, Moldova would play an important role. This is why the paper deals with the idea of analyzing the chance that Moldova has to accelerate its adhering to the European Union under Romanian presidency in 2019. According to the adhering process, the economic criteria are essential. The economic approach in the paper starts with the economic context in EU, Romania and Moldova in 2017 and finishes with a forecast on short term, 2019-2020. The analysis covers GDP growth rate, inflation rate, unemployment rate and government gross debt as percentage of GDP. In order to improve analysis, regression is used to point out the economic disparities between the above three economic entities. The main conclusion of the paper is that the elements able to support an acceleration of the
integration process in Moldova are just a few. Only a favorable political decision of the EU decision makers will lead to Moldova’s adhering on short or medium term. The whole economic analysis is based on the latest official statistic data and is performed with
dedicated software.

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